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Getting Started

What do I need to start using Charlotte Mason’s language learning method? A sense of adventure and willingness to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake are the spirit you can bring to the table. We provide the resources.

We recommend beginning with Volume I even for those who already have some knowledge of the language. The series are simple, but the verbs learned are powerful and enable you to make many new sentences. All you need is the volume–either in hardback or digital form. Each volume is designed to last you 2-3 three years depending on your pacing.

Add audio if you want to hear a native speaker or if you are completely unfamiliar with the language. Please note the audio are designed to accompany a volume; they cannot stand alone. The MP3 Audio files are delivered as a single ZIP file. It is large and is delivered by A+ Downloads Digital Goods Delivery Services. Their links expire in 2 weeks.

If you wish to use the Series for English as a Second Language, simply order a volume in a language you already speak: French, German, Italian or Spanish. The English translation will be in each volume.

You will learn the series first in the language you speak on the right side of the book, then progress to the left side to learn the English. If you would like audio, choose the English files that match your language as indicated: Anglais, English, Inglese, or Inglés.